1 | 日语的动词放在句尾,把日语翻译成英语有时候有提前揭秘的感觉。 | With Japanese verbs coming at the end I sometimes feel that translating Japanese into English is like giving away the punch line. | |
2 | 如果通过免费赠送货品的方式来运作一门生意? | How can you build a business by giving away the store? | |
3 | 上周,在Tucson比尔盖茨和巴菲特聚在一起讨论捐赠财富的事情。 | Last week, in Tucson, a bunch of billionaires, led by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, gathered to talk about giving away their fortunes . | |
4 | 送出这么多的信贷之后,尤纳斯终于在2006年为自己赢得了一些回报:他被授予诺贝尔经济学奖。 | After giving away so much credit, Yunus finally won some for himself in 2006 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. | |
5 | 他放弃了乐器演奏和欣赏艺术品的习惯。 | He had been giving away musical instruments and pieces of art. | |
6 | 他们买了一座大小不足原来那座一半的房子,并且对房价差作了85万美元的让步。 | They bought a new one less than half the size and are giving away about $850, 000, more than the price difference between the homes. | |
7 | 他们晚上10点开始煮饭,通宵忙到早上6点钟开始施粥。 | They begin cooking at 10 p. m. and work all night until about 6 a. m. , when they start giving away the food. | |
8 | 它们都害怕自己的太空机密会泄露给对手。 | They are frightened of giving away their space secrets to rivals. | |
9 | 它们希望以此来取代在互联网上提供免费内容、同时可怜巴巴地指望广告(或别的东西)来拯救自己的方式。 | They hope for an alternative to giving away content on the internet, hoping forlornly for advertisements (or something) to save them. | |
10 | 提供免费服务如同航空公司免费派送剩余的机票,以希望赚些餐饮、服务费。 | Offering slots for free is akin to an airline giving away spare seats for nothing in the hope of making something from meals and fees. | |
11 | 提供免费试用的应用也会提高你付费用户的数量。 | Giving away a free trial can boost sales of your paid application, too. | |
12 | 通过赠送剃刀架,刀架本身并没用,他创造了对一次性刀片的需求。 | By giving away the razors, which were useless by themselves, he was creating demand for disposable blades. | |
13 | 威尼斯人通过向报纸读者发放赠票,并组织媒体报道在内地进行品牌宣传。 | It promotes its brand in the mainland by giving away free tickets to newspaper readers and arranging for media coverage. | |
14 | 我们还赠送了几个PSD格式的文件,以便于在以后的设计中你可以直接使用他们。 | We are also giving away a couple of PSDs that you can use right away in your next design. | |
15 | 沃尔玛也许不再是当初的沃尔玛了,但是这并不意味着顾客将会面临高昂的物价。 | While Walmart may have stopped giving away the store, that doesn’t mean customers will be facing sticker shock. | |
16 | 一些滑雪场正在分发免费乘坐缆车的票,其他人则提供三分之一或四分之一的免费住宿。 | Some resorts are giving away free lift-passes, and others are offering a third or fourth night of lodging free. | |
17 | 因此,让我们为盖茨先生鼓掌,因为他决定把慈善活动作为他的事业,而把在微软的职位当成业余的工作。 | So applaud Mr Gates’s decision to make giving away money his day job and to work at Microsoft part time (see article). | |
18 | 有个家伙要赠送出一台崭新的52英寸等离子电视机,这样他的前妻在离婚时就得不到它了(不到60秒,这台电视机就在网上消失了)。 | One guy was giving away a brand-new 52-inch plasma TV so his ex wouldn’t get it in their divorce (it was gone in less than 60 seconds). | |
19 | 有些教会正把电影票与星巴克咖啡优惠券一起到处派发,用以鼓励人们开展观后讨论。 | Some churches are giving away tickets along with Starbucks vouchers to encourage post-film discussion. | |
20 | 有些时候我们却是自己最失败的敌人,在我们解释汽车出现的问题时往往会泄露出一大堆信息。 | Sometimes, however, we are our worst enemies when it comes to explaining what is wrong with the car and giving away too much information. | |
21 | 运营商甚至已经开始赠送附带某些移动宽带合约的上网本。 | Operators have even started giving away netbooks with some mobile-broadband contracts. | |
22 | 在iPhone4用户抱怨手机天线之后,苹果公司能够通过免费赠送手机盒子来挽回面子。 | Apple was able to save face with customers by giving away free cases to iPhone 4 owners after complaints arose regarding its antenna. | |
23 | 赠送免费资源交换某人的邮件地址是无可厚非了。 | There’s nothing wrong with giving away a free resource in exchange for someone’s email address. | |
24 | 赠予珍视的所有物或立遗嘱 | Giving away prized possessions or making out a will; and | |
25 | 照我看来,Adobe是把PhotoShop引擎变成了能够嵌入到网页中的控件。 | From my point of view, Adobe was giving away the PhotoShop engine as a control that you could embed in a Web page. | |
26 | 这种“市场调研”式的免费发放电子书为我推销了印刷本。 | This "market research" of giving away ebooks sells printed books. | |
27 | 正确预测世界杯64场比赛胜负的球迷,将有机会获得TitanBet派发的1亿美元奖金! | Titan Bet are giving away an incredible $100 million to the fan who can correctly predict all 64 games in the World Cup. | |
28 | 作为促销的一部分,他们每个假日都免费赠送一双袜子。 | e. g. As part of their sales promotion they’re giving away a free pair of socks with each holiday. | |
29 | 做生意的方法很多,数不胜数,但是大多数的网络内容供应商都青睐于通过提供免费内容,来卖其它东西。 | There are a ton of different ways to do this, but most of them are predicated on giving away the content in order to sell something else. |